How to fix localhost and phpmyadmin not opened with xampp

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localhost phpmyadmin

localhost phpmyadmin  For most first time install, accessing http:localhostPhpMyAdmin will directly take us to the PhpMyAdmin web interface without asking for After full installation when i want to access localhostphpmyadmin it shows blank page when i tried this it shows E: Unable to locate package php-gettext

Xampp runs fine and I have localhost and other pages without issue localhostmyphpadmin is blank I have not yet created a DB as I cannot access myphpadmin  localhostphpmyadmin Perhaps it is not recognising the server named, so try localhost Those other folders, I would think, are not

Just like on Windows, enter the address “http:localhostphpmyadmin” in the browser's search bar to access the phpMyAdmin start page How Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed Cause: The password set in the phpMyAdmin configuration does not match the actual password

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